Did Roger Federer Go To College?

Roger Federer is a Swiss tennis player and philanthropist who has been winning tennis competitions since he was just 6 years old. Because hes been playing tennis for most of his life, many people find themselves wondering if he managed to go to college in between Wimbledon wins.

Roger Federer is a Swiss tennis player and philanthropist who has been winning tennis competitions since he was just 6 years old. Because he’s been playing tennis for most of his life, many people find themselves wondering if he managed to go to college in between Wimbledon wins.  

Roger Federer did not go to college but instead stopped attending school at the ‘Swiss National Tennis Center’ in Écublens when he was 16 years old and it was no longer compulsory for him to be enrolled at an educational facility. Thereafter, he focused entirely on his tennis career.   

Are you looking for information on Roger Federer’s schooling and education? Then keep reading as this article will fill you in on all of this as well as what Roger’s thoughts are on education as a whole and what his impact on education has been. 

Roger Federer’s Early Education 

Roger was born and raised in the Basel area of Switzerland, a large city that is considered to be the cultural capital of the country.

Though it’s not known which school he went to, as there are many in the area, he started attending school when he was 6 years old. As a schoolboy, Roger played many sports and enjoyed them all. 

When he was 12, he gave up all of his other sports and focused on tennis. Unsurprisingly, it seems as though Roger’s time in school was more about sports than it was academia. 

At the age of 14, Roger was hand-selected to attend the ‘Swiss National Tennis Center’ in Écublens. He packed up his life in Basel and moved to Écublens where he would remain for the next two years.

After completing nine years of compulsory education all-in-all, Roger stopped his schooling in June of 1997 when he was 16 years old. From then on, tennis was his sole focus.   

In a 2017 interview, Roger said “Don’t ask me about my grades! But I enjoyed going to school. I think it was the most important part of my life, learning so many things, and in a way I loved it yet it was so difficult sometimes with the grades and making sure I would always get through school.” 

He continued, “But I loved every moment of it actually, looking back now. I think I enjoyed the friendships that we had, I learned a lot, and I always had great teachers that I was very thankful for.”

Similarly, in 2020, when asked by Tennis World what his school experience was like he said, “Average, I would say. But frankly, I always tried hard. Sometimes I was tired of sitting around listening…But I was lucky to always have good teachers.”

What Are Roger Federer’s Thoughts on Education?  

Even though Roger only went to school for the minimum period allowed, he is a champion for education and uses his platform to share his thoughts on the sector. 

In an interview with Credit Suisse, Roger revealed “I will always want to improve and keep learning…For us, education is really important. Sport only comes second.”

Roger believes that education is all about balance and thinks that “short breaks” and time outside are key. He also believes that education is “a great opportunity to learn in life, it’s good for your health, it’s a human right, and it breaks the cycle of poverty.”  

Roger told Essentially Sports, “I always knew I wanted to do something with children. And not just a doctorate, but something with a direct encounter… So I decided on education. Together with health, it is everything in life.”

Roger Federer’s Impact on Education 

It is clear that education is a cause close to Roger’s heart and he established ‘The Roger Federer Foundation’ in 2003 to ensure that he uses his platform to make a difference. 

‘The Roger Federer Foundation’ has made a huge difference in the lives of children all over the world. For instance, it opened 81 pre-schools in Malawi and spent around USD $13.5 million doing so.

Roger has educational facilities and school readiness strategies in place in Malawi, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. 

Away from Africa, Roger also does his part in ensuring that education in Switzerland is not forgotten. He has an assortment of interests in the country ranging from natural school playgrounds to parental coaching.

In addition to the incredible work he’s done through his organization, Roger has spent much of his time and money supporting the organizations of others. He has publicly supported the ‘Small Steps Project’ as well as the ‘Humpty Dumpty Foundation’.  

