How old is Ed on 90 Day Fiance? Young pics explored

Big Ed, a familiar face from 90 Day Fiance, is now on a new adventure with The Single Life spin-off. As fans tune in, theyre curious about the age of this reality TV personality. Lets take a trip down memory lane to explore Big Eds younger days.

Big Ed, a familiar face from ’90 Day Fiance’, is now on a new adventure with ‘The Single Life’ spin-off. As fans tune in, they’re curious about the age of this reality TV personality. Let’s take a trip down memory lane to explore Big Ed’s younger days.

A Glimpse into Big Ed’s Youth

Born on April 28, 1965, Big Ed is currently 56 years old. Recently engaged to 28-year-old Liz Woods, a restaurant manager featured on ’90 Day Fiance’, there’s a notable 28-year age gap between them. This unique dynamic has certainly caught the attention of viewers.

The Younger Big Ed: A Blast from the Past

For those wondering what Big Ed looked like in his twenties, he graciously shared a snapshot from his days at architecture school. With darker, curly locks and a snazzy bow tie suit, he exuded youthful charm. Fans couldn’t help but compliment his dashing appearance, affirming that he’s retained his charisma over the years.

A Senior Moment in Time

In another nostalgic Instagram post, Big Ed transported us back to his senior year. His brown, voluminous hair and bushy mustache depicted a different era. It’s evident that the passage of time has only added character to his journey.

Setting the Record Straight on Height

While there has been some debate about Big Ed’s height, he clarified that he stands at 5 feet tall, correcting reports that previously stated 4 ft 11. Interestingly, his fiancée Liz measures just over 5 feet, offering a harmonious balance. Additionally, his mother, who occasionally graces ’90 Day Fiance’ with her presence, is 4 ft 10.

Big Ed’s Transformation Journey

In recent times, Big Ed has dedicated himself to a fitness regimen, evident in his gym sessions and Instagram updates. His commitment to a healthier lifestyle showcases a newfound vigor, and his followers have been keenly observing this positive transformation.

As we journey through Big Ed’s past, it’s clear that age is just a number. His youthful spirit and zest for life continue to shine through, making him a compelling figure on ‘The Single Life’. With every episode, fans are treated to a deeper understanding of this dynamic personality.

