How to complete Plucking the Crow in Elder Scrolls Online

Plucking the Crow brings a spooky boss to the Elder Scrolls Online during the Witches Festival, and there are some extra steps compared to past quests. The end of the quest brings a challenging group fight filled with Halloween rewards.

Plucking the Crow brings a spooky boss to the Elder Scrolls Online during the Witches Festival, and there are some extra steps compared to past quests. The end of the quest brings a challenging group fight filled with Halloween rewards.

There are two main quests during the Witches Festival in the Elder Scrolls Online, and the original one is The Witch's Bargain. The other quest is Plucking the Crow, and unlike the first quest, which is a one-time reward, this Crow Quest is daily with the potential for multiple Plunder Skulls.

Anyone who wants new styles won't want to miss the quest in the Elder Scrolls Online.

Elder Scrolls Online: Starting Plucking the Crow

Before players begin taking on the Crowborne Horror boss, some prerequisite steps need to be completed in Plucking the Crow. First, players need to find Witchmother Taerman, who spawns in different areas.

An easier spot to find her in is anywhere the Impresario appears. This event vendor appears outside almost any major city, and is marked by the usual box with a star on the map. During the Witches Festival, Witchmother Taerma will be marked by a blue daily symbol each day of the event.

Players can also find Witchmother Taerma in one of the three Witches hideouts. Each one will appear in the corner of the map in one of three starter zones: Auridon, Stonefalls, and Glenumbra. Whether here or at an event hub, players can talk to Witchmother Taerma to begin Plucking the Crow.

Taerma will task players with collecting 50 Cursed Feathers, and that seems to be what confuses most players so far. Collecting them can be a bit grindy, but the process is simple overall.

How to get Cursed Feathers during Plucking the Crow

There is one real way to get Cursed Feathers in this quest, and that is to open Plunder Skulls. While the quest is active, players can kill bosses of all kinds for a Plunder Skull, and players will always receive a small number of Cursed Feathers.

With all 50 in hand, players can head back to the hideout and imbue them together to create a portal to the Evergloam. Once inside the portal, players will need to take down a boss called the Crowborne Horror. The boss is meant for a group, but it's possible as a solo player with the right gear and mechanics.

After the boss goes down, Plucking the Crow is over for the day and players can come back for more when the daily timer resets.

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