Let's Redirect for One Direction

Around the same time the pregnancy rumors involving Louis Tomlinson began, his video for #Action1D was also released, there has been such an uproar about what he may or may not have done with Briana Jungwirth that weve missed the point entirely of the campaign theyre helping aid.

Around the same time the pregnancy rumors involving Louis Tomlinson began, his video for #Action1D was also released, there has been such an uproar about what he may or may not have done with Briana Jungwirth that we’ve missed the point entirely of the campaign they’re helping aid.

The media tries hard to focus on the top selling story; the story with the most drama, the most eye catching headlines and rumors. This isn’t what One Direction should be getting attention for right now, not the rumors, not the half truths or misconceptions. They should get attention for the hard work they’re putting in to making global change.

Louis’ video was the first in a series of three to be released through the month of July urging us to help take action to make the world a safer, healthier, friendlier environment for everyone.

“I want to live in a world where every child can see a doctor when they’re sick. I want every child to have the same chance that I did. Even now lots of children can’t get treatment for basic illnesses; an upset stomach, a cough, things like these can be killers without the right medicine. We know how to treat these illnesses, so let’s do it now.” – Louis Tomlinson

So in the mix of whatever truth comes from the circus that currently surrounds One Direction don’t forget where their hearts lie, don’t forget what opportunity they’ve shared with us, and don’t forget to use your own voices to reach out to global leaders and tell them how much better the world could be for everyone if we all tried a little harder.

Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall; I think I speak for the fandom entirely when I say you all have our support and as a fan base we are proud to look up to you as a group of young men trying to make a difference.  Thank you for being inspiring, thank you for your loving hearts, and thank you for allowing us to have faith in our own dreams and wishes for the future.

