New 5-star and 4-star character leaks

In the upcoming Genshin Impact 4.1 update, the release of Wriothesley and Neuvillette has already been confirmed. Both are 5-star Catalyst units and will be featured on the Event Wishes for a limited period of time. In addition, several leaks have surfaced online recently, sharing the names of all characters that could possibly become playable

In the upcoming Genshin Impact 4.1 update, the release of Wriothesley and Neuvillette has already been confirmed. Both are 5-star Catalyst units and will be featured on the Event Wishes for a limited period of time. In addition, several leaks have surfaced online recently, sharing the names of all characters that could possibly become playable in the upcoming Genshin Impact updates.

The characters include the Hydro Archon Furina, Clorinde, and Navia from Fontaine and Cloud Retainer from Liyue. Travelers can find everything they need to know about the upcoming potential banners in Genshin Impact below. Note that the info is based on leaks and is subject to change.

All upcoming confirmed and leaked playable characters from Genshin Impact 4.1 to 4.5

Version 4.1

The recent Special Program livestream confirmed that Neuvillette will be released in the first phase of Genshin Impact 4.1, which will begin on September 27, 2023. He is a 5-star Hydro Catalyst unit. Meanwhile, Wriothesley will make his debut in the second phase. He is the first Cryo unit in the game that uses a Catalyst, as well as the first 5-star male character with a Cryo vision.

Version 4.2

Fontaine's Hydro Archon Furina will be released in the 4.2 update. She will be a 5-star Sword user and will be featured alongside Bazihu in the first half. Furthermore, the 4-star Cryo Catalyst, Charlotte, will also debut on their banners.

The second half of the 4.2 update will see the rerun banners for Kamisato Ayato and Cyno.

Version 4.3

As per the revealed information, the characters that will be featured in version 4.3, include Navia, who is a Geo unit and a Claymore user, and Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Raiden Shogun. Chevreuse will be released in the second half of version 4.3 as well. She is known to be a 4-star Pyro Polearm unit.

Version 4.4

The Genshin Impact 4.4 update will celebrate another Lantern Rite festival. As revealed by the drip marketing, HoYoverse will release Xianyun aka Cloud Retainer (5-star), and Gaming (4-star) in this patch. The latter is a Transport Guard from Liyue who wields a Pyro vision.

Version 4.5

While it was previously rumored that Clorinde may be coming to the game in version 4.5, it seems Chiori may be featured instead. According to recent leaks, Chiori will be a 5-star Geo unit wielding a Sword as her weapon of choice.

Furthermore, Clorinde is now expected to arrive in the 4.7 update.

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