Survivor Premiere Recap 03/09/22: Season 42 Episode 1 Feels Like A Rollercoaster

Tonight on CBSSurvivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 9, 2021, Season 42 Episode 2 and we have your Survivor recap below. On tonights Survivor season, 42 episodes 1 called One Thing Left to Do Winas per the CBS synopsis,Eighteen new castaways begin their battle for $1 million and the title of Sole Survivor.

Survivor Premiere Recap 03/09/22: Season 42 Episode 1 " Feels Like A Rollercoaster"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 9, 2021, Season 42 Episode 2 and we have your Survivor recap below. On tonight’s Survivor season, 42 episodes 1 called “One Thing Left to Do… Win” as per the CBS synopsis,“Eighteen new castaways begin their battle for $1 million and the title of Sole Survivor.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Survivor premiere episode begins with the 42nd season and all new cast: Rocksroy Bailey, Lindsay Dolahewich, Romeo Escobar, Jackson Fox, Hai Giang, Swai Goel, Chanelle Howell, Jenny Kim, Tori Meehan, Lydia Meredith, Maryanne Oketch, Marya Sherron, Daniel Strunk, Mike Turner, Drea Wheeler, Zach Wutenberger, Jonathan Young and Omar Zaheer. One of them is twenty six days away from winning Survivor 42 and the million dollars that goes with it. Either they slay this game, or the game will slay them.

There are three tribes: Ika, Taku and Vati. The game stats now. On Jeff’s go, one person from each tribe is going to race into the jungle and untie two paddles from a cargo net. They will will come back and another person from the tribe will race down to the far end of the beach and get two more paddles. When they are back with their paddles, everyone gets into their boat and paddles out and around the buoy to grab bamboo sticks. One person from each tribe will use those sticks to retrieve flint. First tribe to retrieve the flint, gets a pot and a machete. No rice, no food source, they haven’t seen Survivor 41. The new Survivor is fast and dangerous.

The Tribes are: Ika: Rocksroy, Romeo, Swati, Tori, Drea, Zach. Taku: Lindsay, Jackson, Maryanne, Marya, Jonathan, Omar. Vati: Hai, Chanelle, Jenny, Lydia, Daniel, Mike

There is already a twist and Lindsay finds it at the end of the beach. The three players must make a decision, grab their paddles and leave or secretly agree to work together and gain an advantage in the process. The must untie twenty knots to receive their advantage. Hai, Lindsay and Drea take the advantage and make a secret pledge to align with each other. They smear blood and mud all over themselves to disguise they took so long.

Rocksroy wins it for Ika, back at camp their meager supplies will be waiting for them. Marya says that the game is harder than she thought. Daniel pulled his shoulder out, he thinks he may have dislocated it. They pop it back in and Daniel is relived. Medics tell him to be careful, it could come out again. Mike is freaking out, the first fifteen minutes and they have no supplies, one person hurt, they are in trouble.

Scott found several bags of heroin. It had been worth at least fifty grand. It was uncut. Scott wanted to call it in and Maggie had to remind him that they didn’t have the authority to report it because they shouldn’t have searched her bag to begin with. Scott stopped himself from calling the police then. He instead watched as Melina’s supposed cousin came in. the man had tattoos linking him to the Serbian mob and he walked off with the bag after Melina collapsed as she was leaving the hospital. She was suffering from a collapsed lung. They had to perform a minor surgery on her and even after that she would still be in the hospital for several more days.

Melina was refusing it of course. She wanted to leave and Scott said okay. If the patient wanted to risk her own life, it wasn’t up to him to help her. Scott also noticed that the bag was gone along with the cousin and he finally reported it. He called his siter. The next thing he knew there was a lieutenant from Narcotics division telling him to release Melina. She wanted Melina back out on the streets. Scott didn’t understand, but he developed a suspicion and so he told Melina that he used to be a cop. He said he will always bleed blue. She asked him why he was telling her this and he said it was something she needed to know. And so that’s when she asked to be alone.

Halstead meanwhile had a plan that didn’t work. Gretchen ended up needing surgery and so Archer ended up performing it in spite of everything that happened. As the surgery was progressing, Halstead met the fiancé as well as Gretchen’s future mother-in-law. Both were unpleasant. They were so concerned about the bag that they didn’t ask how Gretchen is. Goodwin was also upset with him. She told him not to intervene and all he did was cost Gretchen time she didn’t have. It was as he was talking to Gretchen that the truth came out. Halstead hadn’t wanted to donate his money. He felt pressured to do it after Goodwin did hers.

Halstead is heavily in debt. He gave away his one raft and its not like he could take the money back. That’s why his mood fell. It wasn’t because of Gretchen or her wedding. He talked to Gretchen after her surgery was a success and he calmed down some. Someone else who needed to be calmed down was a heart surgeon whose turf got stepped on by Crockett. Crockett was performing a liver transplant with Blake and the two exes had been on their best behavior when they noticed that the heart surgeon had made a mistake. Crockett fixed it. The heart surgeon didn’t like that and he hit Crockett.

Crockett kept his cool. He had a cut on his head and Blake helped him treat it. The two got to talking again and they ended up right back in bed together.

As for Melina, she checked herself out of the hospital. She later stopped by Scott’s apartment to tell him that he had been right. She was a cop. She was working undercover and she wouldn’t mind his help with her injuries.

Halstead later gave up some of the money and he kept just enough to get out of debt.

And Charles ran into his old psychiatrist. They talked as a colleagues on a case and there seems like a future for them in a romantic sense.

Night 1 on Taku, Jackson was born a girl and applied for Survivor ten years ago. Now, he applied as man after he transitioned and here he is.

Daniel loves his tribe, but everyone is making secret alliances. At Ika, Zach is trying to make an alliance with Romeo, but it is one of the most awkward things he has ever done. Super fan to super fan, Zach tells him that he loves the tribe but the two of them can relate the most. Tori is gone off on her own, she is looking for an immunity idol and is naïve to think that other people don’t notice. There are already rumours being spread about her, she made a stupid decision.

A boat arrives at each camp and they get a note that reads, one person from each tribe must get in the boat. MaryAnne sacrifices herself for Taku, Jenny pulls straws at Vati and is chosen, At Ika they play rock, paper siciors and Dea is the one to go. They arrive at a summit, and must take the time to get to know each other. One they arrive on top, they must separate and make a private decision before they return to camp. They must choose to Protect Their Vote, or Risk Their Vote. If all players choose protect your vote, nothing happens. If all players risk it, they all lose their vote. But if some protect and some risk, the risks get an extra vote.

Jeff arrives at the Taku camp, he rarely comes to a tribe camp and he wants a one-on-one with Jackson. He tells him that during the casting process, they get to know players. He was a homerun from the beginning. The day before shooting, he disclosed some medical situation and they decided to let him play. He is on lithium for another reason, not the transition. When he lost his mom, he took it to help him sleep.

Jeff says to be clear, they are concerned about the lack of sleep, stress on him while he is taking the medication and they can’t do it. He thanks Jeff for letting him be there for 48 hours, it is the best time he has ever had. They go see the tribe, Jackson tells them about the medication he is on and he has to leave because it is not safe for him. His tribe is broken up.

Time for the first Immunity Challenge, the rest of the tribes find out that Jackson had to leave the game and Taku is down to five members. For todays challenge, each tribe it going to start out on the water on a platform. On Jeff’s go, they will dive in, get into a boat and paddle to shore collecting three chests along the way. Once they get to shore, they will drag their chests and boat across the track, over the net to the finish where two tribe members will use the pieces inside to create a massive dragon puzzle. First two tribes to finish, win immunity.

Losers, one tribe member will be voted out and they have to give up their flint. One more thing, back at camp they will have a shot in the dark dice, if they get to tribal council and they think they are in trouble, they can play their shot in the dark for a one in six chance of immunity at that Tribal Council.

The chests are heavy and so is the boat, the hardest part is just to get everything up on the sand and over the track. Vati is in the lead, they are about to start their puzzle. Taku is there as well, they are goig to get on to their puzzle. Ika has run out of steam, looks like they might be giving up their flint and heading to Tribal Council. Taku wins immunity, there is one place left. Vati wins immunity, they are safe from Tribal Council. Ika is heading to the first Tribal Council of this season of Survivor. Romeo gives Jeff the flint.

Tori tries to dispel the rumour that she has the idol within her tribe. Zach is the one that told Tori, but he doesn’t want to tell anybody because he doesn’t want to be the target. Drea sits down with Tori, she wants to vote out Rocks, he built the shelter and she says they don’t need him anymore. Swati is pushing Zach to go home, he gave up during the challenge and it didn’t sit with her well. In the end, it appears to be between Zach and Tori. This is already a divided team.

Time for Tribal Council, everyone lights a torch, their life in the game. They all agree that they need to have a strong tribe. They talk about the Shot In The Dark, nobody talked about it before coming to Tribal Council. Zach is really nervous because his name was thrown out there, and Tori as well. Tori says she is a strong player, trustworthy and loyal and she hopes they keep her around.

Zach says he doesn’t want to work with Tori anymore, she went to Drea to throw him under the buss and that is how the day started. Time to vote, Zach is first and he plays the Shot In The Dark. Drea earned an extra vote, she rolls it up and tucks it away. Jeff counts the votes, Zach says he took the Shot In The Dark, he sacrificed his vote to take safety in the game, he has a one in six chance. He opens it and it says he is not safe. Votes: Zach, Zach, Zach – he is voted out of Survivor 42.


