Who is Kyle Robiskie? Maggie star Rebecca Rittenhouse announces engagement in romantic photos

Popular actress Rebecca Rittenhouse announced her engagement with her partner, Kyle Robiskie, through an Instagram post on September 23, 2023. In the post, Rebecca can be seen flaunting her engagement ring, and in some pictures, she can be seen with her partner, Kyle Robiskie.

Popular actress Rebecca Rittenhouse announced her engagement with her partner, Kyle Robiskie, through an Instagram post on September 23, 2023. In the post, Rebecca can be seen flaunting her engagement ring, and in some pictures, she can be seen with her partner, Kyle Robiskie.

In the first image, the Maggie actress flashed her engagement ring, while in the next few pictures, she could be seen posing with her fiancé Kyle Robiskie, as Rebecca showed off the ring in her left hand. In another image, Kyle had the ring box in his hand, and Rebecca also tagged Retrouvai in it, a Los Angeles jewellery brand that designed the ring for the couple.

The couple has been together since October 2022. However, for the first few months, they had kept their relationship private and away from the public eye. They became the talk of the town when they were time and again spotted together, sometimes enjoying dinner, while other times, enjoying themselves on a vacation.

Rebecca’s partner, and now fiancé, is the Director of Global Partnership and Brand Experience at Beyond Meat. Settled in Los Angeles, Kyle Robiskie has been with the company since March 2018.

Kyle Robiskie is a Western Illinois University graduate: Details explored as Rebecca Rittenhouse gets engaged

Social media users went gaga after Rebecca announced that she was finally engaged to her boyfriend, Kyle. Robiskie prefers to lead a private life away from the public eye, which is possibly the reason why the couple has not been seen together in public. However, Rebecca's fiancé has now become the talk of the town.

Currently working at Beyond Meat, the California resident has been with the company for six years now. He joined Beyond Meat as the Head of Talent Relations, but was then promoted to Global Director of Talent and Experiential Marketing, before finally being made the Director of Global Partnerships & Brand Experience this May, as per his LinkedIn profile.

Prior to this, he was working as the Director of Enterprise Growth at LiveSafe. Having completed his bachelor's of Business from Western Illinois University, Kyle specializes in Marketing.

While the couple tried to not make their relationship public initially, rumors of the same were confirmed when Rebecca recently uploaded a few pictures on Instagram, where she was seen attending Beyoncé's concert with a few friends. In the pictures, Kyle was also spotted in her group of friends.

Before Kyle, Rebecca was in a serious relationship with Gossip Girl actor, Chase Crawford. The couple met on the set of Blood & Oil and started dating in 2015. The couple ultimately parted ways in 2018. However, they again sparked dating rumors in 2021, when they were spotted together in Capri, Italy. However, neither of the two addressed the rumors or confirmed their relationship.

Meanwhile, Robiskie and Rittenhouse have not yet shared details about their wedding plans. However, netizens seem to be happy as the two broke the news of their engagement. Many from the industry also showered them with congratulatory messages, including the likes of Keleigh Teller, Nina Dobrev, Matthew Morrison, India de Beaufort, and Brenda Song, who left their warm wishes on Rittenhouse's annoucement post.

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