Why Amber Portwood Doesnt Deserve Custody of Daughter Leah

Amber Portwood has not had an easy life, but she chose her issues on her own. Shes been in a lot of trouble with the law, shes had a lot of personal issues, and becoming a mother as a teenager was just one of the many things that she did in life that she probably


Amber Portwood has not had an easy life, but she chose her issues on her own. She’s been in a lot of trouble with the law, she’s had a lot of personal issues, and becoming a mother as a teenager was just one of the many things that she did in life that she probably wishes she could undo. We aren’t saying she doesn’t love her daughter or that having a child is a mistake, but when you are a mother who voluntarily gives up rights to your child to the father – full custody at that – so that you can go out and party and get in trouble with the law and have no responsibilities whatsoever, it doesn’t look good.  It’s already questionable at best when a teen not know for her responsible personality in the first place becomes a mother, but when she signs over full custody of her daughter on a voluntary basis so she can do whatever she wants without her daughter saddling her down, it’s an issue.

She gave up her daughter in 2011 to the little girl’s father, Gary. Gary has been caring for Leah ever since, and from all appearances she seems like a happy and very well-adjusted little girl. He’s not the most mature person in the world, but it does appear he cares for his daughter and does his best by her. Portwood has said recently that she might sue her ex for full custody of their daughter because he is no longer allowing her to see the little girl during the week since she’s in school. It doesn’t seem all that unreasonable to me as a mother with kids in school considering the fact that kids need structure and a schedule, particularly when it comes to school. At the end of the day, it doesn’t seem like Portwood is going to get custody or that she will be the right choice as a primary caregiver for this little girl. We believe people can change, but we haven’t exactly seen any proof that she’s not the hard-partying immature little girl she’s been in the past few years since becoming a mother and reality television star.

Photo by Getty Images

